Precious Barkday"s Ticker

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sentosa Pics Update

I had a really fun and enjoyable time at the beach. It started raining in the morning and I was worried I won't be able to go anymore. But I prayed and prayed and I guess the mighty doG up above heard my prayers cos this was how the sky looked like when we reached. *Grinz*

Beautiful blue sky with candy cotton clouds.

I never really went into the sea before. I'll always play by the shoreline or somewhere deeper a little, just a little.

So I started from this corner with shallow water. Here I saw teeny weeny fishes swimming in there. I love fishes!

They were swimming around my paws! I took a closer look by submerging my head in the water.

I tasted the water as well. *Lick* Ok the water tasted better than the other beaches I went before.

So i went a little further in to monitor my fishes...

Fishy fishy, where are you~?

Hoot! Before I knew it, my paws were off the sandy bed! I am swimming!

Just keep swimming~ Just keep swimming~

Of cos the humans were so amazed by me they praised me. So I swam further and further in. Sista said fortunately I was on leash otherwise I would have swim to the other end. Hmm, that's not a bad idea.

I can see the other end. I am going to try swim there.

Oh look! What is that dark thingy in front?

Hey Baby! Look at what I've found!

Baby: "This is a coconut husk, Precious. Over there is a whole coconut."

Oh my! Oh my! It sure looks better. Baby, can you help me find a spot to bury it? Baby: "Ok ok."

So we looked and sniffed around for a nice burying place.

Ooo here seems like a nice spot.. *Dig...*

*Digging in process...*

Is this deep enough?

Huh Kor? Did you say 'treats'?!

So I forgot all about burying my coconut! *Sob*. Anyway, we left the beach soon after that. Baby and I were really exhausted. This was what happened when the humans brought us to dinner at this doggie's cafe...




Boo Casanova said...

precious, so much fun! i wonder if i can swim even without practise!

wet wet licks


Headgirl said...

What a fun action packed day you two had, no wonder you were tired!


Myeo said...

Hi Precious

You are so lucky. Our hoomans are too lazy to bring us to the beach. By the way, we have linked you :)

Boy n Baby

Casper and pals said...

Wow- that looks like it was a great adventure!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Precious! what a day!
Looking at you swimming there make me feel envy.
Sure you had fun there.
I love your pictures and that of you in the table is great!
Have a nice weekend!

Ruby Bleu said...

That looked like such a fun day Precious!!! I want to go to the sea.....

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Bella said...

Precious, what a great day out !!! You are so brave to go swimming too

L said...

You looked like you had soooo much fun. What a beautiful beach. Your a good swimmer. Me...not so much. I'll wade in the water, but swim? Nope. Not me!


Ume said...

wow Precious,
u can schwim so well!
my Jiejie is so envious, cos she had to force me to schwim.

*Sasha* said...

it's so much fun! I don even dare to walk near the sea water...sigh...mummy was very disappointed with me...but i enjoyed digging the sand :)

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Precious....
I have no idea if I can swim!! Never tried..LOL!!

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, you looked like you had a blast! I LOVE the beach too... I love water!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer